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Shop Our New Spring Arrivals

A Season for Gratitude

This time of year, it all comes back home.

We’ve been here in South Texas since 1853, and we’re no strangers to trying times. Over the course of the years, we’ve befriended the unknown, attempted the undone, and persevered when others turned back. Back then, we introduced an entirely new breed of beef cattle to flourish in our extreme environments, and this year we’ve built on to the legacy with a new store in Fort Worth, a bustling restaurant in Houston, and once again tapped in to the same spirit and strong will of our roots while we worked through the changes brought all of our way in 2020.

We couldn’t have done any of this on our own. We know that what we’ve accomplished is only possible with the efforts of a strong community of folks alongside us, a deep and true network of kin and friends-turned-family that help to shoulder the weight, no matter what.

The saying around here is that you don’t work for the King Ranch, you work with them. And we’re so grateful that you’re with us.

During this special time of year, we look to the enormous horizons of the prairies over the high green chaparral, focus on the bright possibilities of the future, and reflect on what matters most. To you and yours, from all of us at the Saddle Shop, Merry Christmas. We’re all in this together, here’s to the New Year.

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