The leather goods business of King Ranch originated in those chaotic years following the Civil War. During the War, the Ranch was raided and looted by Union troops. When the hostilities were finally over, Captain King re-established with the forethought that ranching in South Texas demanded not only good men, horses, and cattle, but also outstanding gear. He needed saddles that were durable, yet lightweight, comfortable to ride, yet easy on the horses' backs. Unsuccessful in finding saddles of this quality, he hired experienced craftsmen who could make them and soon began operating his own saddlery.
The fame of King Ranch custom saddles and durable leather goods, which carried the Running W brand, quickly spread throughout the Southwest and brought with it the need to fill orders for outside customers.

The King Ranch Saddle Shop continues to practice what the early saddle-makers had learned. In materials, only the best is good enough, and in styling, simplicity has its own elegance. The land of King Ranch is incredibly harsh. The mesquite thorns and brush of the chaparral pierce and tear all but the toughest leathers. The tanning had to be perfect on the cowboy's equipment or the gear would disintegrate under the pitiless sun and humidity of South Texas.

Today, King Ranch Saddle Shop, located in Kingsville, Texas, resides in the John B. Ragland Mercantile Building which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1909, the building housed the most preeminent department store south of San Antonio for seventy years. Now after a meticulous restoration, the historic building once again bustles with trade. At this time, however, it is home of the King Ranch Saddle Shop. Here you can see sixth and seventh generation Kineños (literally, the people of King Ranch) working in the same manner that they have for over 100 years, continuing a tradition of service and supply.

In the spirit of this tradition, through out our site you will find new products, old favorites, a few anecdotes on King Ranch history, and a variety of photographs taken on the Santa Gertrudis, Laureles, Norias, and Encino divisions of the King Ranch.
The hands have changed, but the techniques, craftsmanship, skill, and pride are all the same timeless quality that King Ranch has been long known for.
The next time you’re in town,
stop by and experience the history of The Ranch.
Our Locations

College Station - Century Square
166 Century Ct, Suite G50 - College Station, Texas 77840
Phone: 1-979-209-9744

Oklahoma City - First National Center
114 Park Avenue - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102
Phone: 1-405-568-0109

Kingsville - Historic Downtown
201 E. Kleberg Ave - Kingsville, Texas 78363
Phone: 1-361-595-1424

Houston - Rice Village
2415 Rice Blvd - Houston, Texas 77005
Phone: 1-281-546-0861

San Antonio - The Pearl
303 Pearl Parkway, Suite 115 - San Antonio, TX 78215
Phone: 1-210-693-4521

Austin - South Congress
1333 S. Congress Ave, Suite 160 - Austin, Texas 78704
Phone: 1-512-945-5732

Fort Worth - Stockyards
128 E. Exchange Ave., Suite 530 - Fort Worth, Texas 76164
Phone: 1-682-284-9900

Frisco - The Star
3625 The Star Blvd., Suite 310 - Frisco, Texas 75304
Phone: 1-817-653-2417