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From the King Ranch Kitchen: Nilgai Stew Recipe

Around here, a meal has come to symbolize a great deal to us, viewed as a reward for hard-work put in.

Hard work put to the tending of the livestock and land, to an understanding of the legacy and geography of the mysterious Wild Horse Desert in South Texas. The flavor, a reminder of the peoples before us, and of those who paved the way through their own inscrutable work ethics. A common ground to connect with family, friends, and make new acquaintances alike. Now, as the goings get tough, we look upon recipes from our past to forge forward. This Nilgai Stew recipe can be found in our King Ranch Saddle Shop Cook Book here, among many others that will help you and yours find comfort.

If your freezer is found without Nilgai sausage or steaks, we recommend opting for a spiced pork sausage for this dish. Here, we’ve prepared the recipe over a camp fire with cast iron, but this can be done on stovetop too.

2 lbs. Nilgai Stew Meat

1 Large Onion Chopped

3 Garlic Cloves Minced

1 Bell Pepper Chopped

1 Teaspoon Cumin Seeds

1/2 lb. Diced Carrots

1/2 Head Chopped Cabbage

1 8 oz. Can Tomato Sauce

Salt To Taste

Cut the stew meat into 1″ cubes, or bite size. Wash meat with vinegar and water; drain and sprinkle meat with plain tenderizer. Let set one hour of more. Brown the meat in a large iron skillet in a small amount of oil; add onion, garlic, salt, bell pepper, cumin seeds and cook until onion is transparent. Add carrots, cabbage and tomato sauce; simmer until meat is tender. Adjust spices to taste. use flour and cold water to make a paste and thicken as desired.

Recipe Courtesy of Willy Flores,
Retired Norias Cook


The King Ranch Cook Book

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